Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanks out there!

I just want to thank some other bloggers for their kind words lately. Thanks Petra! I love reading your own blog. Your phrasing makes for lovely reading as well as I am jealous of the hoisery and legs that you sport! And thanks so much to T-Central for asking me to guest-post. I think you do some great work! Thanks also to everyone who stops by. The first reason I blog is to get my thoughts down so I can reflect on them. The second is to let everyone (and this is the WWW so I do mean everyone) know what I am thinking/ feeling regardless if it is good or bad. Thanks for climbing aboard my mood swing roller coaster! Thank you Penny. For being the true love of my life who is always loving and supporting.


  1. Your guest blog ou T Central was outstanding. You are a great writer and the beauty of your soul comes through the words you launch into cyber space. Plus you are a committed animal lover. It is all good.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to write the T-Central post!

    Calie xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. It means a lot!